There’s a reason why our anxiety dreams often surround the theme of losing a tooth (or several!) – it’s a high-stress situation, and no matter how it happens, it can be distressing to feel or see the gap where your tooth used to be.
The first thing to remember is that losing a tooth doesn’t spell disaster – this could occur due to an accident or disease, and with modern technology and the right dentist, you’ll soon be on your way back to a complete and healthy smile.
Importantly, you need to plan to get a tooth into the empty space quickly and efficiently, and there are a few reasons for this, with the goal being to maintain your dental health long term.
The Knock-On Effect
Your teeth are used to sitting aligned with the rest of the crew, and if you’ve got a missing tooth for a prolonged period of time, you’re at risk of the surrounding teeth loosening and moving due to instability. You’ll also increase your chance of a change to your bite, tooth decay and even gum disease.
With this in mind, the best time to look into a replacement tooth is right away – start the conversation with ProudSmile, who will work with you to preserve the integrity of your teeth structure, whether it be with a dental implant, a dental bridge, removable partial dentures or a customized plan that fits your needs perfectly.
Your Wellbeing
Not only are you more likely to be tentative to smile with an apparent missing tooth, you’re also less likely to engage fully in your life (whether it’s presenting at work or out with friends). You might find you speak differently, and you might even avoid the foods you enjoy in order to minimize chewing with a gap in your mouth – combined, these things can wear down your self-esteem, confidence and overall sense of happiness.
One of the most obvious concerns of course is pain and sensitivity where your tooth was – this can hold you back from living your life, and add to the anxiety that comes with the experience of a missing tooth.
At ProudSmile, one, two or even multiple tooth implants can be delivered with the help of digital technology, all with the aim of minimizing pain, as well as the time when you’re “tooth free”.
Your Face Shape
Our teeth help to fill out the shape of our face, and it’s known that even if you lose a tooth that’s “hidden away”, the shape of your mouth can adjust and prematurely age you – more than just on the outside, that missing tooth can lead to bone deterioration and a lack of support for those muscles that sit in that area.
This is why we always recommend acting fast to replace a missing tooth, and we provide numerous options for different kinds of tooth loss.
If you’re concerned you might need more in-depth surgery in your tooth replacement process, ProudSmile works in conjunction with dental specialists such as oral surgeons and periodontists, who work in sync with ProudSmile’s prosthetic process – no matter the issue, we’ve got you covered.
At ProudSmile, we know that your dental health and concerns are unique, and we welcome you to visit one of our Queensland locations for a consultation where we can plan how to best care for, support and refresh your smile for teeth that thrive today, tomorrow and for years to come.